Friday, October 25, 2013

Group Projects

Based on my experience, the success of a project really depends on what mentality or goals that are on each group member's mind. And I believe even though different level of knowledge may evoke some arguments but major conflict rises with different level of personal commitment and interest.

The consulting project I am currently working on has a great team. From my point of view, everybody on the team are on the same page in the sense of commitment, goals and effort. Everyone clearly like doing research, analyze and discuss as consultants. We share out ideas and resolve conflict opinions with respect. And each of us really want to have a great final deliverables to the client so a lot of individual effort were put in to make the entire project move forward. And therefore, the combine effort and a common goal really makes the team functions with high performance.

However, not every project is like the one I mentioned above. A project I involved with last year did not went so well. In my point of view, it was caused by different goals for each of the team member. Two of them are seniors who are busy looking for jobs and interviewing, so grades just does not matter that much to them anymore. Therefore, they putted in minimum effort which in turn adding up the workload of the rest of us. In the end, because of the excessive amount of work rest of us did led to a non-satisfactory result.

Recall what professor talked about during the class on Thursday, CEOs, just as all the other human beings, care about themselves first. I think it is applicable to anyone. From my past experience, personal interests are strongly positively correlated with the commitment and performance of s/he in a team environment. It could be earning good grade or putting good word on resume that pumped the person to put in effort. Therefore, group's interest comes second when it is not aligned with personal interests.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

5 - Transfer Pricing - IlliniBucks

First of all, I want to say such regime like "Illinibucks" does not exist for reasons. I believe this is not a way to achieve equality in our society. It empowers those students from financially strong families to have better access to resources on campus and from the University. And therefore at the same time grants the University extra unethical income. Under the system of Illinibucks, I would say quite a lot of things on campus make good candidates of the Illinibucks. It can be used at entrance of dinning halls, time ticket for registration of courses, entrance of career fairs and so on.

In my imagination, one can use Illinibucks to pass the long line at the dinning hall entrance in lunch "rush hours". And it is very much useful for those students who have limited time to have lunch. It allows those students to arrive on time in their afternoon classes without a empty stomach. Also, when it comes registering for classes, it become such a critically important for students because it really give you the opportunity to have a perfect schedule (no classes on lunch or dinner times or early mornings). What's more, getting in to career fairs can be greatly favorable since recruiters always getting tired really quick after non-stop talking with students.

I personally would spend my Illinibucks according to how much I value those things. For example, registering for classes is important form freshmen year all the way through senior year. Attending for career fairs only become important in junior or senior years. So it really depends on what year am I in.

I personally does not believe that the price of Illinibucks would be a big factor here if one can use several Illinibucks at the same time since one can just buy more Illinibucks to get pass other people. Therefore, it is purely beneficial for people who can actually afford the Illinibucks. And it really draws a line between people, which can cause unstable society and anger.

Also, Illinibucks would be a monopoly, and it invisibly has a price discrimination. So people who value the Illinibucks the most are willing to pay more money to buy more Illinibucks in order to achieve the desired benefits. And people who value the Illinibucks at a lower utility would purchase less Illinibucks.